Diary of Spain in Lockdown - Jacinda did it!

Tuesday 28th April

Jacinda Ardern, the New Zealand Prime Minister, has announced that coronavirus is all but eliminated in her country.

But how has New Zealand succeeded where so many other countries have failed? Ms Ardern took a bold move, early on and now her country’s new coronavirus infections are in single figures and the total number of deaths stands at just 17.

It was a risky strategy, which many criticised, to close the borders and impose a strict, early lockdown, especially in a country which relies heavily on tourism. But it has paid off.

The 39-year-old leader speaks plainly and takes decisive action. This is the woman who, the day after the mosque shootings in Christchurch visited the site, donned a headscarf out of respect for those in mourning and embraced, consoled and hugged grieving family members. She then followed through and within a month had banned most semi-automatic weapons. No dithering, no faffing about. Tough decisive action but with a plain-speaking human side.

We saw this human side again during lockdown when she spoke directly to the New Zealand children asking them to be patient, explaining that this year the Easter Bunny might find it tricky to get to every home.

I can’t help but think the world needs more leaders like Ms Ardern

Spain lockdown coronavirus Jacinda ardern
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